Nothing seems better than the beautiful, natural sunlight shinning down on your wedding day. The birds are chirping and there is a cool refreshing breeze comforting your guests. This of course would be the ideal environment for a wedding. However, weather isn't always ideal.
Spring and Summer are the busiest times of the year for weddings and with just cause. There are alot of outdoor weddings to soak up the mother nature, but there are some pros and cons to an outdoor wedding. We sill start with the pros.
1. Natural light is the best light.
Like I said before, the sun gives the best light (with exceptions) to a ceremony. Also, when you are hire your professional Photographer and Videographer, there is no dealing with the sometimes unforgiving flourescent lighting. Being outside also allows for more creative photos and video for your memories.
2. More affordable if not FREE!
Now I know free to a Bride is awesome! So with an outdoor wedding, they are typically free especially at a public space like a park or a nice backyard. Start searching the parks near you and see if they allow weddings to be held there. This way, it is a big, open space that can also accomadate more people than a closed in venue can.
3. More creative freedom.
When holding a wedding inside a venue, you may have limitations on decorating and DIY. When you have an outdoor wedding, the sky is the limit....litterally lol. You can decorate the chairs, even add little personal touches to make it that much more special.
Now, an outdoor wedding isn't without its flaws, and here a couple.
I know I'm not the only one who has looked at the weather for tomorrow and said oh wow, 72 with no chance of rain great! Then, the next day I'm soaking wet because out of nowhere a pop up shower occured while walking to my car. Yes, Mother Nature is very iffy. This shouldn't stop your plans however, you just have to plan properly. Make sure you account for every weather interference that could occur. Have umbrellas ready for the guests or a shade area if the sun decides to scorch the Earth lol. Also, there are other factors like wind that could really mess up sound for your Wedding Film. This can be helped with wind mics of course, but it is something to keep in mind.
2. Guests Discomfort
I've seen a few times where the guests and the Groom are starting to sweat, because you have to be realistic...weddings rarely start exactly on time. Check the weather in the morning and have your plan b handy (shaded areas, umbreallas) if it is too hot windy or rainy. Make sure there is something to keep the guests comfortable while they are waiting for you to walk down the aisle.
Outdoor weddings are lovely for sure, but you just have to weigh your pros and cons and see how it comes out for you. All the cons can be taken care of no problem, it simply requires a little planning. And let's be honest, there are pros and cons to an indoor wedding as well, so which is best for you?